Design system documentation that is uniquely yours

Supernova helps you build and mature your design system documentation to have all your design guidelines, decisions, and assets from one place.

Helping companies document their design systems

Build and edit your documentation without knowing any code

No more markdown editing or building your own documentation engine. With Supernova you can edit and create content without any coding skills thanks to an instantly familiar editor.

Render React live and editable code examples

See your code live and make your design system documentation interactive by connecting public or private npm libraries with your design system’s React components.

Connect all your design decisions

Create a source of truth that is truly connected with your design system.

Supernova integrates with many tools to make your tokens, themes, components, assets, and code all available in your documentation.

Grow your documentation today!

Sign up and start using Supernova build and grow your design system documentation.

Explore more documentation features

Automatically updated images from Figma frames

Display any Figma frame as an image in your documentation. When it gets updated in Figma, it’ll be updated also in your documentation. Managing images for your documentation has never been easier.

Built-in version management

Version your documentation for major updates of your design system and never lose important references from past.

Unmatched content variability

Supernova gives you more than 25 ready-to-use content blocks to shape your documentation blocks. Can't find what you need? You can request a new block or create your own to fit your unique needs.

Token group
Add a group of tokens
Render markdown from URL
Component Checklist
Highlight component properties
Bullet list
A list with bullets
Plain text
Guidelines (soon)
Display Do/Don't guidelines
Token list
Add a list of tokens
Heading 1
Large section heading
Display Figma frames
Lottie Preview
Preview Lottie animation
Display a snippet of code
Highlight a section
Display a simple table
Link to a page or section
Embed a YouTube video
Render React code
Display rendered code
Embed external content
A section divider
Embed a Storybook canvas
Component Health
Show component health
Ordered list
A list with numbers
Display a quotation
Release Notes
Show versions changelog
Heading 2
Medium section heading
Display an image
Display a list of assets
Divide content into tabs
Request a new block
Missing a block? Tell us!
Contribute your own block!
Anything for your unique needs

Private or public access

Publish your design system documentation to the public or keep it internally private. You can also use SSO login to make account management easier for you.

Offline export & backups

Avoid vendor-lock. Your data are yours, and only yours. You can easily export your documentation to markdown, static offline website, or access via our Typescript SDK.

Helping teams build and grow their design systems with ease

Supernova is a tool that really understands the needs of design systems creators. We’ve had no fun in the past working with other tools’ documentation, but that’s all changed now. It’s easy to use, intuitive, and offers many opportunities to scale in the future.

As a single source of truth, it is mind-blowing, efficient, fast, and highly customizable. They also listen to their customers and prioritize their roadmaps to fit their needs which is a great bonus.

Matthias Fritsch

Design Lead

Supernova is the ultimate platform for scaling design systems. Its unique way of bringing all information into a single hyper-connected source of truth allows our small team to work faster and more confidently, covering many of the existing gaps in Figma, automating the most complex parts, and giving us much flexibility.

Alberto Calvo

Design Operations Manager

Supernova has become our go-to place for hand-off between our design and development teams.

From tokens to system-wide documentation, Supernova has become our invaluable source of truth and has created a smoother and more effective process for our teams.

Andrew Rodgers

Design Operations Lead

Get started with Supernova today

Unlock the full potential of your design system with Supernova, empowering you to drive innovation, collaboration, and seamless scalability.